making is far from a senseless hobby- just the opposite ; it is practical,
educating and carries with it the prestige and dignity of a specialized
science. Its scope is unlimited and its ramifications are unnumbered.
Locomotive is reproduced in miniature complete in every detail from the
Walschert valve to controls and the manifold. A steam boat is modeled and
provided with workable steam engine, a model speed boat is constructed
and coaxed into going 30 miles per hour; a twin cylinder engine is built
with a two-throw crankshaft turned out of a solid piece of steel. This
cannot exactly be called model making. The expression is inadequate and
not carry with it the full meaning of the work. It is really model engineering-
Engineering in miniature.
construction of a model locomotive involves no small amount of work and
knowledge. Its constructor must know something of steam engineering, he
must be able to read the most advanced blueprints to enable him to produce
his model to scale from a drawing of its prototype. Aside from this, he
must be a mechanic of no mean ability. He must posses infinite patience
and resourcefulness. Of course, not every model maker can build a locomotive.
More simple mechanisms are usually chosen to start with.
is where part of the real value of model making presents itself, and educating
value becomes manifest. The man who makes miniature locomotive, a steam
boat or an aircraft, has increased his own knowledge to a great extend;
the experience has made him a better mechanic. In many cases, the fundamental
principles of operation must be mastered before the model is made. As an
example: a model-maker decide to make workable model of a steam engine.
First, unless already acquainted with its principles of operation, he must
study them until he becomes sufficiently acquainted with them to proceed
intelligently with the design and construction of his machine.
engine must be carefully laid out and drawn accurately to scale; its bore,
stroke, power and cycle must be decided upon. After the design is completed
upon paper, the patterns for its castings must be turned out and then the
machining starts. Precision and accuracy is essential to a well–working
engine and the lathe must be manipulated with skilful fingers.
engine is finished and assembled. What has its builder accomplished? He
is perfectly satisfied to stand and watch it run on the workshop bench.
That is all made it for, but aside from this, the love of his hobby has
taught him much of practical value, as can readily be understood.
a man spends many hours, ... yes, even days and some times years on the
model of a certain machine, upon completion the things represents something
to him very remote from money. It is not made for money, and therefore
its value is not estimate in money. It is difficult to explain just how
a man regards his model. His eyes never tire of it, he actually loves it.
England, model making or model engineering carries with it a different
meaning than it does at present time all around the world. There has a
tendency all around the world to associate it with toy making, and no comparison
could be more vague or humiliating to the ardent follower of the work than
this. It is utterly unjustified and the impression remains merely because
the public has not been educated to the true meaning and significance of
this kind of science, a category in witch it rightfully has a place.
I hope that this site, which is prepared to give impetus to model engineering in any country, will also serve the double purpose of creating a correct impression of work its pages are devoted to.